Give The Gift Of Literacy

You don’t take reading for granted, and neither do we

Illiteracy places an unfair burden on children, and we are committed to helping struggling readers across the country. According the 2019 NAEP results, 65% of 4th graders in the US fail to read at grade level each year. We can help them by expanding the reach of our effective, research-based programs to more schools and districts. But we need your help to do it.

79 cents of every dollar spent goes toward our work in schools

407 schools served

8,500+ teachers trained

184,000+ children impacted

Figures from School Year 2022-23

In Our Clients' Words

The HILL for Literacy team has taught educators in Weymouth to embrace data to drive their plans and decisions, how to respond to student challenges, construct new ways to teach, and advance new skill sets at an even faster pace. The HILL data focused training, professional development, and ongoing evaluation process has improved instruction, collaboration, revitalized educator eagerness to teach, increased professional fulfillment, and ultimately has increased student literacy rate.

Kathy Guilfoy, Principal
Lawrence W. Pingree School, Weymouth, MA

In Our Clients' Words

The decision to consult with HILL for Literacy was a timely one. With new MA Frameworks, a new core program to support our curriculum, and a change in leadership, it was an opportunity for a new beginning. Creating a partnership with HILL for Literacy was an integral part of our dedication to provide data driven instruction. The HILL has worked collaboratively with us to use our benchmark and progress monitoring assessment data, supporting and guiding our teachers with the organization, analysis, and implementation planning to ensure our instructional practices are well-informed.

Jeremy Burm, Principal
Thomas W. Hamilton School, Weymouth, MA

In Our Clients' Words

I feel since we’ve started with this project, the teachers have embraced it, these new leaders have surfaced in the building, and that’s what’s propelling us forward…As a result of the work that we’ve done, this collaboration is happening. They’re talking about kids, they’re talking about common assessments, they’re talking about student progress, things I haven’t seen them do in the past.

Michelle LaVasseur, Principal
West Bristol School

In Our Clients' Words

We’re seeing tremendous growth within our schools. They came in with a research-based system and it brought all the intangibles of effective practices, best practices, together for teachers in a very coherent way….We’re starting to see predictably positive trends in achievement over time. Kids are happy, teachers are happy, and we’re moving in the right direction. It’s terrific.

Ed Orszulak, Principal
East Hartford Schools

In Our Clients' Words

HILL’s intensive literacy model engaged and inspired the entire district to achieve literacy success and some of the best year over year improvements in NECAP Reading scores in the state. I am proud of the changes we made on behalf of our students and glad we engaged the HILL to help us in this transformation.

Donna Morelle, Former Superintendent
Cumberland School District

In Our Clients' Words

Before we started this, we had a lot of data to use, but the time that’s required of teachers to take that data and analyze it and make sound instructional decisions was time-consuming. This provides a quicker response, and we also are giving professional development support to our team.

Michelle LeVasseur, Principal
West Bristol School

In Our Clients' Words

Our Kindergartners are now 70% proficient. And when you think of the RtI triangle, everybody says our triangle is inverted, it’s upside down, because more of our children are struggling rather than succeeding. We put the triangle right-side up.

Ellen Delgado, Literacy Coach
East Hartford Schools

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