Why Work with Us?

We translate Research Into meaningful Practice

We Know What Works

In order to bring our clients the best and latest in evidence-based literacy practices, we partner with some of the premier education research centers in the country such as the University of Connecticut’s Center for Behavioral Education & Research (CBER) and the University of Oregon’s Center on Teaching and Learning (CTL). Decades of education research shows that almost every child can learn to read by the beginning of fourth grade, if their teachers receive both skills training and consistent district policies of support. Our methods, informed by evidence-based reading research and our work in schools, are designed to help schools improve literacy outcomes for all students and sustain those improvements over time.

Training & Facilitation

We partner with districts and schools to identify their unique strengths and needs, and develop strategic action plans for literacy or special embedded training. Our team of literacy experts is ready to guide your school through the process of literacy improvement.

HILL Online

HILL Online is a suite of applications that guides the installation, implementation, and sustainability of the HILL for Literacy Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework. 

Professional Learning

The HILL offers  professional development that we can bring directly to your school or district to train your teachers in the best evidence-based practices.

What Our Clients Are Saying

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