We Translate Research into Meaningful Practice

According to the 2022 NAEP results, 68% of 4th graders fail to read at grade level each year.

New Opportunity for CT Special Educators

Through a joint partnership with SERC and the CSDE, we’re offering a range of reduced-cost opportunities for professional learning in the Science of Reading and Adolescent Literacy, exclusively for special educators, reading interventionists, and remedial reading specialists.

New Speaker Series Webinars

Join us for a free webinar with education industry experts! Kicking off with Michael Coyne, Ph.D., of UCONN on 2/27/25 and Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D., of UCLA on 3/4/25

Approved Provider in Oregon!

HILL for Literacy has been approved to provide professional development and coaching to Oregon districts receiving Early Literacy Success School District Grant funding!

Arkansas LEARNS with the HILL!

We’re now a qualified vendor with the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for professional learning grants as part of their Arkansas LEARNS initiative. We look forward to helping many new districts in this state improve literacy in their schools!

HILL Online Wins Award!

We’re proud to announce that HILL Online won 2 Silver Brandon Hall Group™ Excellence Awards® in the categories of Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program and Best Competencies and Skill Development!

Asynchronous Science of Reading Series

The new asynchronous version of our acclaimed series is an affordable, engaging, and efficient option for bringing the science of reading to your district. Available now for Districts.

District Highlight

During Summer 2023, HILL for Literacy partnered with Brockton Public Schools and MA DESE on the Summer School Literacy and Professional Learning Grant (SSLPL). The HILL solution was adapted to an extended school year setting that trained 26 educators in the district. With embedded professional development and coaching from HILL facilitators, they taught 75 rising first graders identified as requiring extended school year services to close sometimes significant gaps in their ability. 58% of those students were English Language Learners, or on an IEP, or both. Students made significant growth over the course of the program on all criterion-based measures. On average, the number of students at benchmark increased by 11% and the number of students significantly below benchmark decreased by 17% in a four week period.


“This deep, rich opportunity for professional development in the summer is also going to have an incredible impact not just in the individual classrooms of these teachers, but throughout the district moving forward.”

Karen Spaulding, Ed.D
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, PreK-5

School Year


Schools Served

Teachers Trained

Children Reached

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